Tuesday, August 18, 2009

potty time!

I'm behind on documenting a lot, but I figured I had better get this one on the page since I have been putting it off for so long. We are officially out of diapers at our house. Yesterday when I was on my potty training supplies trip at Babies R Us Gracie had one big stinky diaper. I didn't have any diapers with me (bad mommy I know) and I was determined to never buy her another pack of diapers, so I took her in the changing room and squeezed her into a free size 1 diaper that the store gives you. Below is a picture of all our supplies: LOTS of juice - Gracie picked all of it out especially the blue kind, her favorite color right now.


Potty books

Dora potty sticker chart

To-go potty seat with bag

A couple packs of diapers, she picked these out too

Chocolate for pee

Sucker for poo

Day one: after my church meeting this morning we started. 2 1/2 hours of trying every 10 minutes and she finally did it! Her first pee. She had closed the door on me so I sat in the hallway and heard it, I started yelling with glee and opened the door, she jumped off and ran over to hug me and she kept saying, "all by myself". I don't know who was happier. She kept her pull dry though her nap and had one more successful pee. I'm going to ignore the poo in her panties that happened later because that is a harder one to do right? I am pretty happy about day one.


Luke and Mel said...

Good Luck!!! My least favorite part of parenting so far. It is nice to not buy diapers anymore though.

Lisa said...

wow, that's impressive! good little girl :) kyson was 3yrs 3mos when he was officially done potty training (took us 6mos off and on but he's a boy). so good for gracie!!!

Amy said...

I hope the potty training is done! That marks a serious right of passage! YEA for no more diapers and LOTS of pretty panties. And I love love love Gracie's hair! Are you still working? Do you ever still do provo craft orders? If so let me know and I will gladly indulge.