Sunday, October 23, 2011

pumpkin time

we had a little family time this weekend and painted and carved pumpkins. i thought i was getting out of the mess of carving because gracie was only talking about painting the pumpkins, but then...levi started talking about 'curving' pumpkins incessantly one day and that was the end of it. we needed to 'curve' a pumpkin too. have you ever seen a rainbow pumpkin? she can make anything into a rainbow!

the finished product.

gracie finished painting in about 5 minutes and then harassed paul and i the rest of the time about when we would be done. she did a little break dancing on the kitchen floor while waiting. then she negotiated my camera away from me and took the next 3 pictures. i was actually impressed that she got the people/pumpkins in the pictures.

waiting not so patiently to carve. mom i know you just really want to get your hands on gracie's hair right now, but lets admit that this is what it looks like sometimes so that is part of documenting the moment right?

paul lucky for me got the dirty job. gracie was all smiles and ready to scoop out the guts.

then she decided that it looked 'bescusting' and didn't want to touch it.

now she didn't even want to look at it.

paul was trying to talk her into touching it, telling her that it wasn't so bad.

forcing herself to try

nope, still didn't like it.

she finally was half way ok with it, but not loving the mess.

the finished products:

paul decided to paint a little byu action. i think it was because i pulled him away from the football game to do this.

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