Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day Trip

Gracie and I took a quick trip to St. George today with my Mom. We made the usual stop at Lazy Daisy so I can add another quilt project to my 9 already spread out in the office (I'm really good at starting projects, but not so much at finishing them). Then we went over to see my Grandma Obray. She had back surgery last week and is staying at a rehabilitation center. It only took Gracie 1 hour to warm up to Great-Grandma to take this picture. She is usually shy, but even more so today because it was a new place. She was spoiled by rides by Apple (April) and Grandma in the wheel chair to go get cups of water and ice for everyone.

Then Jeff and Garrett joined us at Smashburger. Loved it! One of my favorite cheeseburgers, even better then Fudruckers!
And we rolled into town at 10:45 so to stay true to 'Everyday in May' I did this quick post!


Lisa said...

i am sooo impressed with two posts in one week ;0 garrett is totally a mini-jeff!!!

susan bunker said...

I loved seeing grandma obray! She looks amazing. Good job staying true :).

michelle said...

My heart soared when I saw you were going to be another May poster. Gracie is just darling and looking so grown up. Gee soccer and dance she is one talented girl. Good to see Grandma Obrey and hope she will have a speedy recovery. Keep it going Heidi.