Saturday, May 8, 2010

moving, moving, moving

Today was Candice's moving day. We spent the whole day moving and when I told Gracie this morning that was what we were going to do she was very excited and this conversation followed:
Gracie: Are goin take levi's jammies and bed to his new house?
Me: Yep
Gracie: That's goin be so awesome...and we can take my bed and my jammies too.
Me: I would miss you so much if you didn't live with me anymore
Gracie: That's ok mom maybe probably you could just go to your friends house and eat some food.

*That does make me feel better sometimes, but I have been laughing that she came up with that idea.*

1 comment:

susan bunker said...

she is quite the talker! how cute! where is candice moving to?