Friday, May 14, 2010

My Girly Girl with a Gun

Gracie had some friends over to play today. She is the most girly girl, she will tell you all about her pink dress and braided hair and painted nails until you compliment her on them. Bring a couple boys in the house though and she is in full boy playing mode. Don't get me wrong... when they are playing knights nobody in uninformed that she is the princess. All of her friends but 1 are boys. It is a good thing Levi is with us everyday to train her on what funny little things boys do. Yesterday she had 2 others boys over to play and they all came running upstairs with weapons (Mom, you might want to stop reading now). It was so funny, Levi had a sword, Carter and Devin had guns and Gracie had a little bubble maker gun. She had the smallest weapon, but she was definitely in charge of all 3 of them!
By the way the game they are playing in the picture is great! It is the pac-man plug in game and they have no idea that they are not playing it the right way because the car just keeps on moving, love it!


candice said...

i....don't know heidi. gracie DOES love her dresses, but she's more man than any boy i know!! :)

grgr said...

she not 'man' candice, she 'stewart girl'. a new generation of SG's in training!