Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Everyday in May...5 days late

Ok so I am jumping on Jen's everyday in May project. Kind of laughing at myself now...not sure I will finish this one out (I have to be honest with myself!)
Gracie had dance class. They are practicing for their recital next month and the teacher has them do the dance once with her and then all the parents are invited in to watch. She does great, not perfect, but cute then when all the parents come in she freezes and stares at all the adults. I'm sure she is going to be killer at the recital!
Then to pack all her activities in one day we went to soccer class for the first time. She loved it! I told her last night for the first time that she was going and all she could do was yell, "Am I big now Mom? Am I big?" with some "this is gonna be so awesome" thrown in there. And it didn't disappoint! My favorite 2 things were:
1. While they were stretching she yelled to the other side of the line to Levi, "Your doing a great job Levi!"
2. The teacher was going down the line giving hi-5 and after her hi-5 she picked up her dot she is suppose to stand on and ran it down to the end of the line to get another hi-5.
Since I was a bad Mom and didn't take my camera to the first day of soccer here is her 3 year birthday pictures (60 days late)


jen said...

Can she be any cuter!!
I LOVE her relationship with Levi.
So glad your doing everyday in may!

chelsie said...

I am so glad you are posting in may!!!

Lisa said...

She is so grown-up!!! What a cutie. And I see a lot of YOU in this pic of her :) i've always thought she is paul's mini-me but now it's you!!! post more, post more!

susan bunker said...

ok, i love her telling levi he's doing good! thanks for the picture and the details! you're a good mother heidi :).